Consulting Team

Consulting Team

Tami Bartell is a scientific writer and editor with over 20 years of experience. She has served as an English language editor with Northwestern University and John Hopkings University on over 100 scholarly manuscripts that have appeared in peer-reviewed academic journals. She conducts extensive English editing to improve understanding and readability.  

Eric Miller, English language instructor in San Diego Community College since 2011, academic English Composition Instructor from 1991-1993 in UCLA, certificated from San Diego State University for English Language Development for Academic Literacy, received Bachelor degree of Arts from University of California at Berkeley and Master degree in Applied Linguistics from University of California at Los Angles. He conducts extensive English editing to improve understanding and readability.

Zheng Zheng, PhD,  is a senior biostatistician at Parexel International. In her capacity as senior biostatistician, she is involved in multiple therapeutic areas of phase I-IV clinical trials: oncology, cardiovascular, diabetes and CNS etc. She received a master degree in Biostatistics from the University of South Florida in 2002 and gained a Ph.D degree in Geriatrics from Capital Medical University in 2015. Ten years’ experience including being a statistician for Florida Mental Health Institute, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in the US, and Sanofi and Xuanwu Hospital in China. She has demonstrated proficiency in the design and analysis of clinical trials and epidemiological studies using real world data. 

Yang Guo, PhD  in Epidemiology and Health Statistics, Peking University  Health  Science  Center  and Postdoc Researcher in Clinical Medicine, Peking University Health Science Center. Dr. Guo’s primary focus is on clinical epidemiology research and molecular epidemiology research on cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, oncology, skin diseases, etc. She has published more than 10 peer reviewed papers, including in BMJ (IF=30.223), Gut (IF=19.819), Cancer Biol Med (IF=5.432), JAMA Network Open (IF=5.032), etc. 

Rong LiuMD, is an Endocrinologist and Epidemiologist, received her MD from Forth Military Medical University and her Master degree of science from Peking Union Medical University. She served as visiting researcher in epidemiology at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine from 2009-2011. She received the Elio Lugaresi Award for Young Investigator from the World Association of Sleep Medicine in 2011. With 10 years of clinical practice and 6 years of research experience, she has developed deep insight into clinical data and proficiency in analysis of cohort studies and NHANES dataset. First author and co-author of 15 published manuscripts in peer-reviewed academic journals. 

Margaret Agne, private English Tutor in San Diego, CA since 2000. She served as teacher of ESL in Ramapo College and Bergen Community College in New Jersey. She received Bachelor degree of Music from Cambridge University in England and Master degree of Education and Master degree of Student Counselling from Montclair State University in New Jersey. She conducts extensive English editing to improve understanding and readability.
